Why Does My Goat Have Dandruff?

Seeing your goats covered in dry, flaky skin and patches of hair loss can be upsetting. You want to help provide them relief as soon as possible. The good news is dandruff is a common issue in goats that can likely be easily remedied once the underlying cause is identified.

In this article, I’ll share information to help you get to the root of your herd’s dandruff problem. You’ll learn about the most common culprits like parasites, nutrient deficiencies, infections, and more.

I’ll also provide tips to treat current cases of dandruff in your goats and prevent it in the future through proper nutrition, grooming, and care. While dandruff can initially look concerning, rest assured that with some detective work and targeted treatment, you can have their skin and coats looking healthy again in no time.

Let’s get started investigating the possible causes so you can start supporting your herd’s skin health today!

What Causes Dandruff in Goats?

dandruff in goat

Dandruff in goats is usually caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Nutritional deficiencies or imbalances
  • Stress and hormonal changes
  • Seasonal shedding
  • Parasites like mites, lice, or ringworm
  • Bacterial or fungal infections
  • Sunburn or dry skin

Let’s explore each of these common causes in more detail.

Nutritional Deficiencies

A mineral deficiency is one of the most common causes of dandruff and skin issues in goats. Deficiencies in key nutrients like copper, zinc, iodine, and selenium often lead to dull coats, hair loss, flaky skin, and rough patches.

While some pastures and hay provide all the nutrients goats need, others can be severely lacking. Testing your hay is the best way to identify any deficiencies. Your local county extension office can help test a hay sample and provide nutritional results so you can determine what needs to be supplemented in your goats’ diet.

The water source can also impact the minerals goats receive. Well water or natural sources often have more nutrients than city water.

Here are some of the main nutrients goats need to maintain healthy skin and coats:

  • Copper: Deficiency causes flaky, rough skin and coat discoloration.
  • Zinc: Deficiency leads to hair loss on the nose, legs, and udder.
  • Iodine: Deficiency causes hair loss and lump below the jaw.
  • Selenium: Too much or too little can cause hair loss and flaky skin.

Other key nutrients for skin health include calcium, phosphorus, sodium, vitamins A, C, D, and E. Providing a balanced mineral supplement is essential.

Stress and Hormones

Physical and psychological stress can trigger rapid hair loss and shedding in goats, followed by flaky skin. Causes include:

  • Diet changes
  • Moving or rehoming
  • Overcrowding
  • Loss of herd mates
  • Illness or pregnancy
  • kidding
  • Poor nutrition

This stress-related hair loss often occurs along the back and shoulders. Removing stressors and providing a calm environment helps goats recover. Washing with a medicated shampoo can also aid healing.

Seasonal Shedding

Goats naturally shed their winter coats in spring and early summer. Shedding exposes skin to sun, wind, and the elements. Dry skin that lacks the protection of fur will harden and flake during this time. This seasonal process is normal, but brushing helps provide relief.


External parasites like lice, mites, ticks, and fleas cause irritation, hair loss, dry skin, and dandruff in goats. Different parasites affect different areas – like psoroptic ear mites causing crusty scabs on the ears.

Mites can cause mange, with symptoms like lesions, hair loss around the eyes, nose, and udder. Lice also result in itching, scabs, and hair loss.

Good sanitation and nutrition help prevent infestations. Topical treatments like sulfur or Ivermectin injections can treat external parasites.

Bacterial and Fungal Infections

Ringworm is a highly contagious fungal infection that causes circular bald patches and scaly skin. Treat with anti-fungal shampoos and creams.

Bacteria like Staph can infect hair follicles, resulting in lesions, scaling, and hair loss after exposure to wet conditions. Antibiotics treat bacterial issues.


Some goats with light skin and noses can sunburn, especially during shedding season when their coats are thinner. This causes dry, flaky skin. Provide shade and apply sunscreen to prevent sunburn.

Dry Air

In arid climates, low humidity can really dry out skin and cause goats to rub, scratch, and lose hair. Bathing with medicated shampoo and apple cider vinegar rinses can relieve itching.

Now that we’ve explored the common causes, let’s look at effective treatments and prevention.

Treating Dandruff in Goats

In many cases, dandruff is simply caused by seasonal shedding and will resolve on its own as the coat grows back in. Here are some tips to help relieve and treat dandruff:

  • Brush regularly – Brushing helps removes excess dead skin and speeds up the shedding process.
  • Wash with mild soap – Bathing with a gentle soap or medicated shampoo removes skin irritants and residue. Rinse with apple cider vinegar.
  • Check for deficiencies – If dandruff persists, have your hay tested and provide needed nutritional supplements.
  • Treat parasites – Use topical or systemic parasite treatments if mites, lice, etc are the cause.
  • Address infections – Use anti-fungal or antibiotic treatments as needed for bacterial/fungal issues.
  • Avoid sunburn – Provide shade and apply goat-safe sunscreen to prevent dry, burnt skin.
  • Improve humidity – Mister goats with water to increase moisture if air is excessively dry.

With appropriate treatment of the underlying cause, most goat dandruff cases can be cured and managed.

Preventing Dandruff in Goats

While dandruff can’t always be prevented completely, the following tips can help minimize occurrences:

  • Provide a balanced, mineral-rich diet – Quality hay, browse, and supplements prevent nutritional deficiencies.
  • Reduce stress – Avoid overcrowding, changes in routine, isolation from herd.
  • Practice good sanitation – Clean bedding, removal of wet manure prevents fungal/bacterial issues.
  • Check for parasites – Regularly inspect skin and coats to identify any pests before infestations worsen.
  • Groom regularly – Brushing helps distribute oils across skin and remove dead skin buildup.
  • Limit sun exposure – Provide shade shelters so goats aren’t stuck in intense sun.

By supporting overall health and wellness with proper nutrition, low-stress environment, and sanitation practices, you can avoid many causes of dandruff in goats. Paying close attention to skin and coats will help identify any issues in their early stages. With timely treatment, your herd will have healthy, flake-free skin in no time!

Common Questions About Goat Dandruff

What nutrient deficiencies cause flaky skin in goats?

Flaky skin is often caused by deficiencies in copper, zinc, iodine, and selenium. Ensuring adequate levels of these minerals through diet, supplements, or boluses can treat and prevent related skin issues.

Why is my goat losing hair?

Hair loss can be caused by normal seasonal shedding, but also by nutritional deficiencies, hormones, stress, parasites, infections, and sunburn. Identifying and addressing the underlying cause is key.

How do I know if my goat has mites?

Signs like excessive scratching, hair loss, crusty/inflamed skin, scabs, and a foul odor can indicate mites or other external parasites. A skin scraping examined under a microscope can confirm.

What are signs of zinc deficiency in goats?

Look for hair loss on the nose, legs, and udders along with flaky skin. Foaming mouth, joint stiffness, poor appetite, and lethargy can also indicate zinc deficiency.

Does my goat have lice?

Excessive biting, scratching, bald patches, dull coat, and scabs/lesions may mean your goat has lice. Treat topically or systemically. Lice are common in late winter and spring.


In summary, goat dandruff can have many causes but is often easily treatable with simple solutions. Evaluate your herd’s diet, environment, and health to pinpoint contributing factors. Addressing nutritional deficiencies, reducing stressors, controlling parasites, and providing shade and grooming are all important to keep your goats’ skin and coats healthy. With proper care, your herd can be flake-free in no time!

I hope this comprehensive guide provides the information you need to get your goats’ dandruff under control. Please let me know if you have any other questions!


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